Chamber of Commerce April News:
Be sure to check out the latest events and what’s happening in the newsletter at:
Grant administration for grant funded programs or projects Request for Proposals:
Outreach is currently open for proposals for contract/grant administration for grant funded programs/projects; the closing response date is Tuesday, May 14th at 5pm. We look forward to the opportunities this may bring to the City for Community Development Block Grants and other grant.
Fiscal Year Budget:
Staff continues working through the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget process. Departments have submitted budget requests/adjustments, and Fiscal Staff is reviewing expense budgets and revenues. Capital Improvement Projects will be reviewed and presented to the City Council at the forthcoming meeting.
Unique Community Needs-Tehama County Continuum of Care:
Met with Tehama County Continuum of Care to discuss south county and City of Corning Unique needs. There may be a future meeting held in Corning to collaborate with local stakeholders and community members to better understand what our needs are for a healthier and more prosperous community.
- Wednesday, May 2nd: Met with City of Anderson City Manager to collaborate and information share regarding legislation and projects.
- Wednesday, May 2nd : Along with Public Works Director Elijah Stanley, we met with Airport FBO (Fixed Base Operator) Tony Cutter regarding airport operations, improvements, and events.
- Tuesday, May 14th: The City Council will hold their regularly scheduled meeting.
- May 7th: Tuesday Night Market from 5pm to 8pm on Solano Street between 3rd & 6th Streets.
- May 8th: Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony at High Point Assembly located at 625 Luther Road in Red Bluff. The Ceremony starts at 7:00pm.
Commission Vacancies:
The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have one vacant position. If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Lisa Linnet at All three commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.
Community Event/Street Impact:
Corning Tuesday Night Market:
- The 2nd Corning Tuesday Night market will be held Tuesday May 7, 2024 starting at 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Solano Street will be closed between 3rd & 6th Streets for the event. The Street closure starts at 4:00pm to prepare for the event and will re-open once event has finished.
Fire Mowing:
- The Public Works Crew continues to fire mow around town to prep for the upcoming fire season.
West Street School Connectivity Project:
- Builder Solutions, Inc. continues to work on the West Street School Project. The Contractor is trying to limit their impact on those who are dropping off and picking up students. The West Street Project is anticipated to be completed by early May, depending on the weather.
May 7th Tuesday Night Market:
The next Tuesday Night Market will be held on Tuesday, May 7th from 5pm to 8pm. Entry forms are available at
Corning Jr. Giants:
Corning Jr. Giants and CO-ED Flag Football registration is open. Please register at:
“Free Swim” Day Sponsorship:
Would you or your business like to sponsor a Free swim day for the 2024 Pool Season? If interested please sign up here:
In addition to responding to 130 calls for service, there were 53 officer-initiated incidents, including 20 traffic stops, and a total of 16 officer reports taken. Officers made 2 felony arrests, 3 misdemeanor arrests, issued 2 misdemeanor citations, 2 infractions, and 3 parking citations during the period of April 25, 2024 through May 1, 2024.
During the period of April 25, 2024 through May 1, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 276 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 28 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.
Corning Police Department will be attending and participating in the Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony on May 8, 2024, at High Point Assembly located at 625 Luther Road in Red Bluff. We invite the public to attend as well. The Ceremony begins at 7:00pm.
We are currently recruiting for one Lateral Police Officer and Police Officers. Get your applications in now! Visit for more information.
“Never let fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 29 calls for service last week, they were: 24 medicals, 4 fires, and 1 public service.
Training for the Corning Volunteer Fire Department has been focusing on structural firefighting, we will soon be switching to wildland.
Chiefs Message:
Please check your smoke alarms and make sure your address numbers are clear and visible from the street.