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  • City Council Meeting: October 8, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
  • Planning Commission Meeting: October 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • A special thank you to all staff. Staff have been doing a tremendous job with the everyday tasks as well as taking on new projects. There is a lot going on right now. We are very thankful for the team we have and the work they are doing. They are an asset to the community and should be recognized for the work they are doing.
  • I met with the Olive Grove Apartment Key Stakeholders to discuss concerns and issues at the complex.
  • Staff and I continue to meet regarding possible new development projects.
  • Staff continues to work with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA was released on Friday, August 30th. Subsequent meetings have been scheduled to prepare for the grant, a final list of qualifying items will be presented at the October 8th City Council Meeting.
  • At the most recent City Council Meeting, the water valve replacement project and street project were approved. Staff will work to get these projects underway.



Commission Vacancies:

Airport Commission – 1 vacant position

Library Commission – 2 vacant positions

If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk, Rubi Ordaz, at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



Items currently out to bid:

One (1) Articulating Boom Lift—Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM on October 22.

City of Corning Library Remodel – Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM on October 30.

Closed Bids:

Bidding has closed for two (2) New F-150/Half Ton Regular Cab 4×2 pickups. The city received two (2) total bids. The procurement will be awarded to the lowest competent bidder at the Council meeting on October 8.

Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants needing replacement. As they work on replacing them, temporary water shutoffs will be in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shutoffs.



7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.



Tuesday Night Market:

A big Thank you to everyone that has made the 2024 Tuesday Night Market Season so successful, we appreciate you all!

 Corning Recreation Basketball:

Youth Basketball registration is open for youth K – 8 We will hold a draft on December 7th and the season will start in the middle of January. The registration deadline is Nov. 30.

Paint Party:

Corning Recreation has partnered with Belle & Brush to bring to the community some very creative paint parties, our first one is scheduled for October 26th at 5:30 PM at Rodgers Theater. Register today at 




In addition to responding to 164 calls for service, there were 75 officer-initiated incidents, including 18 traffic stops, and a total of 28 officer reports taken. Officers made 6 misdemeanor arrests, 4 felony arrests, issued 7 infractions, 4 misdemeanor citations, and 5 parking citations, during the period of September 26, 2024, through October 2, 2024.


During the period of September 26, 2024, through October 2, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 330 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 43 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


Chief Bassett and Admin Smith attended the Annual Supplemental Law Enforcement Oversight Committee Meeting in Red Bluff.


It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness month so you might see our officers, dispatchers, and CSO’s out and about wearing our throwback pink patch on their uniforms. Early detection saves lives! Get your screenings done!



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 21 calls for service last week, they were: 15 medicals, 5 fires and 1 public service.

 Training: Training consisted of testing 1000 feet of large diameter hose (5”) from Truck 3

Chief’s Message:

 The heat is back on, be fire safe and stay hydrated!


Last Tuesday Night Market for the year is Tuesday, October 1st


  • Recreation Commission Meeting: Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
  • City Council Meeting: October 8, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
  • Planning Commission Meeting: October 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • A special thank you to all staff. Staff have been doing a tremendous job with the everyday tasks as well as taking on new projects. There is a lot going on right now. We are very thankful for the team we have and the work they are doing. They are an asset to the community and should be recognized for the work they are doing.
  • I met with the Olive Grove Apartment Key Stakeholders to discuss concerns and issues at the complex.
  • Staff and I continue to meet regarding possible new development projects.
  • Staff continues to work with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA was released on Friday, August 30th. Subsequent meetings have been scheduled to prepare for the grant, a final list of qualifying items will be presented at the October 8th City Council Meeting.
  • At the most recent City Council Meeting, the water valve replacement project and street project were approved. Staff will work to get these projects underway.

 “Drive the speed limit and be on the lookout for our students and youth.”



 Commission Appointment:

The Recreation Commission filled its last vacancy. At the last council meeting Ulises Graciano Salas was appointed to the Recreation Commission filling the last vacancy set to expire on 6/30/2025.

 Commission Vacancies:

Airport Commission – 1 vacant position

Library Commission – 2 vacant positions

If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk, Rubi Ordaz, at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



Items currently out to bid:

One (1) Articulating Boom Lift—Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM on October 22.

Closed Bids:

Bidding has closed for two (2) New F-150/Half Ton Regular Cab 4×2 pickups. The city received two (2) total bids. The procurement will be awarded to the lowest competent bidder at the Council meeting on October 8.

 Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants needing replacement. As they work on replacing them, temporary water shutoffs will be in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shutoffs.



7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.



Recreation Commission Meeting:

Corning Recreation will be holding a Recreation Commission Meeting on October 2nd at 5:30 PM in the City Council Chambers.

Corning Recreation Basketball:

Youth Basketball registration will be opening on the 1st of October. We will be opening the program up to kindergarteners this year.

Paint Party:

Corning Recreation has partnered with Belle & Brush to bring to the community some very creative paint parties, our first one is scheduled for October 26th at 5:30 PM at Rodgers Theater. Register today at

 Tuesday Night Market:

Our final Tuesday Night Market for the 2024 year is Tuesday, October 1st from 5:00 – 8:00 on Solano Street from 3rd to 6th. We will be holding the annual bed races, the Corning Jr. Cardettes will be performing for the first time at 5:30 PM in front of Rodgers Theater




In addition to responding to 163 calls for service, there were 52 officer-initiated incidents, including 16 traffic stops, and a total of 36 officer reports taken. Officers made 6 misdemeanor arrests (2 of which were juveniles), 6 felony arrests (4 of which were juveniles), issued 2 infractions, and 1 parking citation, during the period of September 19, 2024, through September 25, 2024.


During the period of September 19, 2024, through September 25, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 320 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 36 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 27 calls for service last week, they were: 19 medicals, 3 fires, 4 public service and 1 hazardous condition.

Chief’s Message:

The sidewalk and in front of your residence is not a place for discarded furniture.



  • City Council Meeting: September 24, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • A special thank you to all staff. Staff have been doing a tremendous job with the everyday tasks as well as taking on new projects. There is a lot going on right now. We are very thankful for the team we have and the work they are doing. They are an asset to the community and should be recognized for the work they are doing.
  • I attended the Tehama County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, to advocate for the City of Corning and Economic Development
  • I met with the PATH Shelter team on Thursday regarding services and outreach in Corning.
  • Staff and I met with Tehama County Staff regarding possible commercial developments, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and fire and law enforcement communications.
  • I met with Red Bluff City Manager on Friday to collaborate and information share.
  • Staff continues to work with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA was released on Friday, August 30th. Subsequent meetings have been scheduled to prepare for the grant, a final list of qualifying items will be presented at the October 8th City Council Meeting.

“Drive the speed limit and be on the lookout for our students and youth.”



Commission Vacancies:

Airport Commission – 1 vacant position

Library Commission – 2 vacant positions

If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk, Rubi Ordaz, at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



 Items currently out to bid:

  • Two (2) New F-150/1500/Half Ton 4x 2 Regular Cab Pickups – Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM on September 25.
  • One (1) Articulating Boom Lift—Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM on October 22.

Almond and Fig Street Rehabilitation Project:

Bidding has closed, and the City received five (5) total bids. The project will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder at the Council meeting on September 24.

Solano Street Valve Project:

Bidding has closed, and the City received two (2) total bids. The project will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder at the Council meeting on September 24.

Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants needing replacement. As they work on replacing them, temporary water shutoffs will be in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shutoffs.



Mobile Food Truck Vendors:

We have been receiving numerous complaints on the food vendors in our area not following the city code. Warning letters with a copy of the code were mailed out on Tuesday, September 17th.

Digital Signs:

The Planning Department continues to work on a digital sign ordinance and is scheduled to bring a discussion item to the Planning Commission in October

7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.



 Corning Recreation Basketball:

Youth Basketball registration will be opening on the 1st of October. We will be opening the program up to kindergarteners this year.

Paint Party:

Corning Recreation has partnered with Belle & Brush to bring to the community some very creative paint parties, our first one is scheduled for October 26th at 5:30 PM at Rodgers Theater. Register today at

 Tuesday Night Market:

Our final Tuesday Night Market for the 2024 year is right around the corner. Join us Tuesday October 1st from 5:00 – 8:00 Downtown Corning on Solano Street from 3rd to 6th. We will be holding the annual bed races, if you have not gotten your team together, time is running out. Also, this will be the Corning Jr. Cardettes first performance of the year, if you would like to come support them, they will perform at 5:30 on Solano St in front of Rodgers Theater.




In addition to responding to 161 calls for service, there were 82 officer-initiated incidents, including 11 traffic stops, and a total of 26 officer reports taken. Officers made 11 misdemeanor arrests (3 of which were juveniles), 1 felony arrest, issued 4 infractions, 3 misdemeanor, and 6 parking citations, during the period of September 12, 2024, through September 18, 2024.


During the period of September 12, 2024, through September 18, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 292 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 28 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 25 calls for service last week, they were: 20 medicals, 4 public service and 1 investigation

Chief’s Message:

The burn ban is still in effect!!



  • City Council Meeting: September 24, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • September 14, 2024, there is a Free Passenger Tire Collection event from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Corning Park and Ride at the corner of 3rd and Solano Streets.
  • Our new Accounting Technician is expected to start Monday, September 16th.
  • Bid documents for the road improvement project around the Olive View School area are complete and have been posted to the public for bid. All bids must be received no later than September 17, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Staff continues to work with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA was released on Friday, August 30th. Subsequent meetings have been scheduled to prepare for the grant.
  • There was a good turnout for the Job Fair at the Rodgers Theater put on by the Tehama County Job Training Center on Tuesday, September 10th. Corning High School Students had the opportunity to attend this event. Special thank you to David Whitten and Caltronics Business Systems for the delivery and use of a copy machine for all to use at this event at no cost.
  • The work to replace four water heaters through a first come first serve basis program managed by the California Public Utilities Commission is complete. This resulted in four new water heaters at city owned facilities. These customer incentives come from California ratepayers funding and is made available under this program until funding is depleted or otherwise directed by the CPUC. The four new water heaters will be installed at the Sr. Center and Transportation Center (Café, PAL, & waiting area).

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”



Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, and Library Commissions each have a vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



 Items currently out to bid:

  • Almond and Fig Rehabilitation Project – Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 2:00 PM September 17.
  • Two (2) New F-150/1500/Half Ton 4x 2 Regular Cab Pickups – Bid documents can be obtained through the City’s website at All bids are due by 1:30 PM September 25.
  • Solano Street Valve Project – Bid Documents can be obtained through the Public Works Director, Elijah Stanley. All bids are due by 2:00 PM September 18.


The crew repaired a stretch of sidewalk on West Street and fixed a water leak on Solano St, the sidewalk will be closed in this area until early next week.

 Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants in need of replacement. As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shut offs in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shut offs.



 7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.

Sphere of Influence Boundary Map Resolution:

A resolution for the Municipal Services Review submit to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) was approved at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. This will allow the city to annex property into the City limits as needed.



 Corning Recreation Classes:

Fall recreation is getting started this week and next, we have a full line up of classes available for all ages, hope to see you in class.

Rodger’s Theater:

Staff will be working with Public Works to clean out the poster windows at Rodgers theater over the next couple weeks and updating the posters, we have invited the Chamber to add a poster regarding upcoming events along with Corning Union High School, we are excited for this partnership to allow the community to view upcoming events in the area.




In addition to responding to 127 calls for service, there were 90 officer-initiated incidents, including 30 traffic stops, and a total of 13 officer reports taken. Officers made 2 misdemeanor arrests, 3 felony arrests (2 of which were juveniles), issued 6 infractions, 4 misdemeanor, and 10 parking citations, during the period of September 5, 2024, through September 11, 2024.


During the period of September 5, 2024, through September 11, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 258 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 26 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


Corning Police Department is almost fully staffed! We have hired our second and final Lateral Police Officer. Officer Barry started his career with us on September 1, 2024. Please welcome him to the community!



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 17 calls for service last week, they were: 13 medicals, 2 fires and 2 public service.

 Chief’s Message:

 Please keep your properties clear of debris and dry vegetation.


Tehama County Job Fair – At Rodgers Theater – September 10th at 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. hosted by the Tehama County Job Training Center


  • City Council Meeting: September 10, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • I would like to welcome Officer Barry to the City of Corning. He will be sworn in on Monday morning.
  • September 14, 2024, there is a Free Passenger Tire Collection event from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Corning Park and Ride at the corner of 3rd and Solano Streets.
  • Our new Accounting Technician is expected to start Monday, September 16th.
  • Bid documents for the road improvement project around the Olive View School area are complete and have been posted to the public for bid. All bids must be received no later than September 17, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Staff continues to work with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA was released on Friday, August 30th. Subsequent meetings have been scheduled to prepare for the grant.
  • Carrie Ferchaud, Executive Director of the Job Training Center and I continue to have had ongoing conversations regarding Employment and Business Services. We are working on a rapid response effort as a result of the Andersen and Sons (Vina, Ca) layoffs. Please visit and follow the Layoff and Business Services Link. A series of times have been scheduled in the City Council Chamber for Andersen and Sons services enrollment.
    • Carrie and her team are doing a phenomenal job to help the residents of Corning. They are holding a series of sessions in the City Council Chambers and the Job Fair mentioned above.
  • The work to replace four water heaters through a first come first serve basis program managed by the California Public Utilities Commission is wrapping up. These customer incentives come from California ratepayers funding and is made available under this program until funding is depleted or otherwise directed by the CPUC. The four new water heaters will be installed at the Sr. Center and Transportation Center (Café, PAL, & waiting area).
  • Staff is working to award the RFP for Audit Services. Contract negotiations are happening. The contract will come before Council for approval at a future meeting.



Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have a vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



Work Schedule:

The Public Works crew has returned to their winter hours of operation (7:00am-3:30pm). The meter reader will remain on his regular schedule (8:00am-4:30pm).

 Water Leaks:

With the hot weather water leaks continue to pop up. The Public Works Crew are working diligently to address each one as they come up.

 Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants in need of replacement. As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shut offs in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shut offs.



 7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.



 Tuesday Night Market:

Thank you to everyone involved for a wonderful Tuesday Night Market, it was a hot one but very enjoyable with a handful of new vendors. Our next and last market is scheduled for October 1st and we will be holding the annual bed race. Get those teams put together and come out to beat the defending champions. Contact the Chamber of Commerce.

Corning Recreation Classes:

Corning Recreation is working on planning this year’s Basketball season…Are you ready?




In addition to responding to 131 calls for service, there were 73 officer-initiated incidents, including 23 traffic stops, and a total of 19 officer reports taken. Officers made 3 misdemeanor arrests, 6 felony arrests, issued 3 infractions and 3 parking citations, during the period of August 29, 2024, through September 4, 2024.


During the period of August 29, 2024, through September 4, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 313 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 46 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


Corning Police Department is almost fully staffed! We have hired our second and final Lateral Police Officer. Officer Barry started his career with us on September 1, 2024. Please welcome him to the community!



 Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 31 calls for service last week, they were: 24 medicals, 3 fires, 1 traffic collision, 2 public service and 1 hazardous condition

Chief’s Message:

 The burn ban is still in effect.  No burning allowed; everything is still very dry!!!!


Tuesday Night Market – September 3, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tehama County Job Fair – At Rodgers Theater – September 10th at 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. hosted by the Tehama County Job Training Center


  • City Council Meeting: September 10, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • September 14, 2024, there is a Free Passenger Tire Collection event from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Corning Park and Ride at the corner of 3rd and Solano Streets.
  • Interviews for the Accounting Technician position were held on Thursday, August 15, 2024. We have made a job offer and have a verbal acceptance. We are working on the onboarding process now.
  • Bid documents for the road improvement project around the Olive View School area are complete and have been posted to the public for bid. All bids must be received no later than September 17, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Staff is working with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. The NOFA is expected to be released on Friday, August 30th.
  • Carrie Ferchaud, Executive Director of the Job Training Center and I continue to have had ongoing conversations regarding Employment and Business Services. We are working on a rapid response effort as a result of the Andersen and Sons (Vina, Ca) layoffs. Please visit and follow the Layoff and Business Services Link. A series of times have been scheduled in the City Council Chamber for Andersen and Sons services enrollment. More information to come on this topic as it is dynamic and developing.
    • Carrie and her team are doing a phenomenal job to help the residents of Corning. They are holding a series of sessions in the City Council Chambers and the Job Fair mentioned above.
  • The work to replace four water heaters through a first come first serve basis program managed by the California Public Utilities Commission has started. These customer incentives come from California ratepayers funding and is made available under this program until funding is depleted or otherwise directed by the CPUC. The four new water heaters will be installed at the Sr. Center and Transportation Center (Café, PAL, & waiting area).

 School is in session! Look twice for students crossing streets!



Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have a vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



Work Schedule:

The crew will switch back to their regular hours (7am-3:30pm) Tuesday September 3, 2024. The meter reader will remain on his regular schedule (8am-4:30pm).

Street Impact:

The fourth Corning Tuesday Night Market will be occurring on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, starting at 5:00pm and going until 8:00pm.  Solano Street will be closed between 3rd Street and 6th Street for the event. Solano Street closure will begin approximately 3:30pm to prepare for the event and will re-open once the event has finished.


With the hot weather water leaks continue to pop up. The Public Works Crew are working diligently to address each one as they come up.

Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants in need of replacement. As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shut offs in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shut offs.



 7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.



 Tuesday Night Market:

It’s almost time to start the Tuesday Night Markets back up, the next one is scheduled for

Tuesday September 3rd, we hope you can join us.

Corning Recreation Classes:

Corning Rec will be opening our Fall Recreation programs for registration this week.




In addition to responding to 136 calls for service, there were 85 officer-initiated incidents, including 9 traffic stops, and a total of 30 officer reports taken. Officers made 5 misdemeanor arrests, 7 felony arrests, issued 3 misdemeanor citations and 1 parking citation, during the period of August 22, 2024, through August 28, 2024.


During the period of August 22, 2024, through August 28, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 301 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 30 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


Stop by our table at the Tuesday Night Market on September 3rd and check out our new CSO and Patrol trucks! We will have them on display and have plenty of goodies for the kids.



 Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 31 calls for service last week, they were: 20 medicals, 2 fires, 1 traffic collision, 7 public service and 1 hazardous condition.


Training consisted of a controlled burn near Colusa St. and Stanmar Drive.

 Chief’s Message:

 Please make sure your address is very visible even at night so emergency vehicles can properly respond!!

Have a safe Labor Day weekend!!!!!


  • City Council Meeting: August 27, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • At the next City Council Meeting on August 27, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. we will have a CDBG Public Hearing. This grant application opportunity for the Recreation Center and City Plaza Project.
  • Interviews for the Accounting Technician position were held on Thursday, August 15, 2024. We have made a job offer and have a verbal acceptance. We are working on the onboarding process now.
  • Staff continues to work on the Library Remodel Project Design. It is very close to completion, at the Library Commission meeting on Thursday, August 22, 2024, we received approval of the plans and will begin to work on final changes. Project and bid authorization will come before the City Council for approval in the coming weeks.
  • Bid documents for the road improvement project around the Olive View School area are complete and approved by the City Council along with the authorization to go out to bid. We will work with the School District regarding bidding and construction. We anticipate this to go out to bid in the next couple of weeks.
  • Staff is working with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. We are currently waiting for the NOFA to be released as mentioned above we will host a public hearing on August 27, 2024. We anticipate this NOFA being released at the end of the month.
  • Carrie Ferchaud, Executive Director of the Job Training Center and I continue to have had ongoing conversations regarding Employment and Business Services. We are working on a rapid response effort as a result of the Andersen and Sons (Vina, Ca) layoffs. A press release will go out by the end of the week. Please visit and follow the Layoff and Business Services Link. A series of times have been schedule in the City Council Chamber for Andersen and Sons services enrollment. More information to come on this topic as it is dynamic and developing.
    • Carrie and I presented at the Tehama County Board of Supervisors Meeting on Tuesday, August 20th on this topic.
  • Staff is working to replace four water heaters through a first come first serve basis program managed by the California Public Utilities Commission. These customer incentives come from California ratepayers funding and is made available under this program until funding is depleted or otherwise directed by the CPUC.

 School is in session! Look twice for students crossing streets!




Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have a vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.




  • With the hot weather water leaks continue to pop up. The Public Works Crew are working diligently to address each one as they come up.

 Hydrant Replacement:

  • The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants in need of replacement. As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shut-offs in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shut-offs.



 7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday August 12th.

 Planning Commission:

The Planning Commission meeting was held on Tuesday August 20th and the Planning Commission approved in a 4-0 vote to approve a digital sign for Better Choice Real Estate. The sign that will be placed in the front yard of the business.



Tuesday Night Market:

It’s almost time to start the Tuesday Night Markets back up, the next one is scheduled for Tuesday September 3rd, we hope you can join us.

Corning Recreation Classes:

Corning Rec will be opening our Fall Recreation programs for registration this week.




In addition to responding to 175 calls for service, there were 85 officer-initiated incidents, including 23 traffic stops, and a total of 32 officer reports taken. Officers made 3 misdemeanor arrests, 5 felony arrests, issued 4 misdemeanor citations, 8 parking citations, and 9 infractions during the period of August 15, 2024, through August 21, 2024.


During the period of August 15, 2024, through August 21, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 300 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 54 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


We have introduced our new patch to the community! BOLO for the new patch on uniforms, vehicles, and our social media. We will gradually be transitioning away from the old patch so the community may see both patches for the time being.



 Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 19 calls for service last week, they were: 15 medicals and 4 fires.

CVFD Engine:

Engine 6 is back after spending 21 days on station coverage in the county.

Chief’s Message:

 Please don’t be fooled by the cooler weather, vegetation is still very dry!





August 16, 2024


The City of Corning is partnering to offer Layoff and Business Services as a response to recent layoffs at Andersen & Sons Shelling (Vina, Ca), which occurred on Friday, July 26th resulting in 321 individuals without jobs. Approximately 75% of those affected reside in Tehama County and 50% live within the City of Corning. The majority of the employees were permanent, non-seasonal workers.

The Tehama County Job Training Center promptly responded by providing 100% of the affected employees with information about layoff services including Unemployment Insurance (UI), job search assistance, customized hiring events, health insurance, re-training, financial planning, and more. Since July 26th the Job Training Center has helped 117 of the affected employees with job search and career services, hosted 2 custom hiring events, confirmed 13+ employers who are on board to recruit from this population, began coordinating job training classes and English classes, and have plans to submit an Emergency Additional Assistance application to the State of California in partnership with NoRTEC, the Local Workforce Development Board.  The additional funds will ensure comprehensive career and training services are made available to the affected employees. For more information about local layoff services please call Job Training Center at (530) 529-7000 or visit

This event has caused a ripple effect to other local businesses such as walnut producers, farmers, contractors, transportation companies, farm product companies, etc. and has been compounded by declining walnut prices and rising inflation costs. A coordinated response team has been formed to address the immediate needs of these businesses and help prevent future business layoffs, business closures and provide immediate support to our community.  The team is being led by the City of Corning, the Tehama County Farm Bureau and the Tehama County Job Training Center.  Twelve partnering agencies have agreed to support this initiative and workgroups are underway to address the immediate needs of local businesses.

For more information or to get involved, please visit the City of Corning’s newly launched website at which will serve as the resource and services hub for those impacted by these difficult economic times. The website will feature resources from City of Corning, Tehama County Farm Bureau, Tehama County Job Training Center, ChicoSTART, Corning Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Development Center at Butte College, 3CORE, Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce, GO-Biz and CalOSBA.

If you are interested in hiring and training an Andersen & Sons employee, call the Tehama County Job Training Center at (530) 529-7000.

The City of Corning is confident that mobilizing these services and partnerships will help our community through this difficult time.  For information, please visit our website or contact the City of Corning.

 Contact Information:

Brant Mesker, City Manager





  • Planning Commission Meeting: August 20, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
  • Library Commission Meeting: August 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
  • City Council Meeting: August 27, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.


  • I attended the Tehama County Realtors Association meeting regarding the PATH Center and Homelessness on Monday evening in Red Bluff. There were about 50 individuals in attendance.
  • At the next City Council Meeting on August 27, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. we will have a CDBG Public Hearing. This grant application opportunity for the Recreation Center and City Plaza Project.
  • Interviews for the Accounting Technician position were held on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
  • The Audit Services RFP closed last week. We received two responses. Staff will review the responses in the coming days.
  • Staff continue to work with developers on both residential and commercial developments. Conversations have taken place regarding the potential developments west of I-5.
  • Staff continue to work on the Library Remodel Project. Design is very close to completion, we have a Library Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 22, 2024, to finalize plans.
  • Bid documents for the road improvement project around the Olive View School area are complete and approved by the City Council along with the authorization to go out to bid. We will work with the School District regarding bidding and construction.
  • Staff is working with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza. We are currently waiting for the NOFA to be released As mentioned above we will host a public hearing on August, 27, 2024.
  • I met with Carrie Ferchaud, Executive Director of the Job Training Center and have had ongoing conversations regarding a resource center in the City of Corning. We are working on a rapid response effort as a result of the Andersen and Sons (Vina, Ca) layoffs. A press release will go out by the end of the week. More information to come on this topic as it is dynamic and developing.


A community is a group of people that agree to grow together!



Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have  a vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at  All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.




With the hot weather water leaks continue to pop up. The Public Works Crew are working diligently to address each one as they come up.

 Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify Fire Hydrants in need of replacement. As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shut-offs in the surrounding areas. Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shut-offs.

Street Projects:

The Public Works Crew is performing road maintenance in the area of Almond Street and Fig Street to prepare for an upcoming street project. As a result, there may be minor traffic delays.



 7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

Our 7th cycle, Housing Element was submitted to the state for a 60-day review period on Monday, August 12, 2024.

 Planning Commission:

The upcoming Planning Commission Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. On the agenda is a Conditional Use Permit for Better Choice Realty to install a digitalized sign for advertising purposes, and the possibility of changing the meeting time to 5:30 p.m.



 Tuesday Night Market:

It’s almost time to start the Tuesday Night Markets back up, the next one is scheduled for Tuesday September 3rd, we hope you can join us.

Neighborhood Promise Grant

Corning Recreation was awarded the Promise Neighborhood $70,000.00 grant to help with programming for the 24/25 fiscal year. We are so very grateful for this opportunity.

Corning Jr. Cardettes:

The Corning Jr. Cardette program will start up again on Wednesday, we have several performances lined up the Cardettes throughout the fall and winter, watch for them on our social media pages.




In addition to responding to 127 calls for service, there were 67 officer-initiated incidents, including 16 traffic stops, and a total of 24 officer reports taken. Officers made 5 misdemeanor arrests, 1 felony arrest, issued 3 misdemeanor citations, 1 parking citation, and 3 infractions during the period of August 8, 2024, through August 14, 2024.


During the period of August 8, 2024, through August 14, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 320 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 35 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


We have introduced our new patch to the community! BOLO for the new patch on uniforms, vehicles, and our social media. We will gradually be transitioning away from the old patch so the community may see both patches for the time being.




 Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 19 calls for service last week, they were: 13 medicals, 2 fires, 1 traffic collision and 3 public service.

CVFD Engine:

We have an engine doing station coverage for CALFIRE while their engines are working the Camp Fire

Chief’s Message:

  • Please be sure your address is clear and visible so emergency vehicles can find your residence.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are functioning properly, they do save lives!


Aviso de reunión pública para la discusión de una posible solicitud estatal de CDBG

POR EL PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la ciudad de Corning llevará a cabo una reunión pública el 27 de agosto de 2024 a las 6:30 p.m. en 794 Third street, Corning para discutir posibles solicitudes de financiamiento bajo el Programa Estatal de Subvenciones en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) y para reunir ideas de los residentes sobre posibles actividades que se incluirán en la solicitud.

La ciudad de Corning prevé presentar una solicitud durante el próximo año del programa CDBG. La ciudad de Corning ha recibido o prevé recibir aproximadamente $0,00 en ingresos del programa CDBG.

El propósito de esta audiencia es revisar las actividades elegibles de CDBG y recopilar las opiniones de los residentes sobre las necesidades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario (que incluyen servicios, instalaciones y/o infraestructura que mejorarán la habitabilidad dentro de la comunidad).

La siguiente información relacionada con el proyecto está disponible en 794 Third street, Corning entre las 8:00 am y las 5 pm de lunes a viernes o enviando un correo electrónico al contacto que se indica a continuación:

Rubi Ordaz, Secretaria Municipal


  1. Cantidad de fondos disponibles y gama de actividades que pueden realizarse.
  2. Información sobre los proyectos propuestos.
  3. Montos estimados de fondos propuestos para ser utilizados en actividades que beneficien a personas de ingresos bajos y moderados.
  4. Planes para minimizar el desplazamiento de personas como resultado de actividades asociadas con fondos CDBG y planes para brindar asistencia a personas desplazadas como resultado de actividades financiadas por CDBG.
  5. Registros sobre el uso anterior de fondos CDBG.

Si no puede asistir a la audiencia pública, puede dirigir sus comentarios por escrito a la ciudad de Corning, a la dirección anterior, o puede comunicarse con Rubi Ordaz por teléfono o correo electrónico al 530.824.7033 a más tardar a las 3:00 p. m. del 25 de agosto de 2024 para garantizar su colocación en el acta oficial de la audiencia.


La ciudad de Corning no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género, edad, religión o discapacidad. Si necesita adaptaciones específicas para participar en la audiencia pública, comuníquese con Rubi Ordaz al menos 2 días antes de la audiencia programada

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