• April 7th 10th: Public Works Consultant/City Engineer will be on vacation.
Fiscal Year 2023/20024 Budget and Capital Improvement Plans:
The budget process is underway. I will be meeting with Department Heads beginning the week of April 17th to discuss their budget proposals.
Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Round 1 Program (CDBG CV-1):
The City coordinated its CDBG CV-1 funds with the County of Tehama to, amongst other things, develop a Microbusiness Grant Program. I am pleased to report that 13 of the 27 grants funded were from Corning totaling $32,500.
Upcoming Meetings:
April 11, 2023: I will be meeting with Waste Management to receive further information about a request for a letter of support for a grant to construct a compost facility in Anderson.
April 12, 2023: Administrative Services Manager Lisa Linnet and I will be meeting with Housing Tools regarding Community Development Block Grant Strategic Planning.
Community Event:
The Corning Community Egg Hunt will take place this Saturday, April 8, 2023 at Clark Park from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. There will be no road closures for this event but due to the anticipated attendance, be aware of traffic congestion and pedestrians, not only on Fig Lane but the surrounding streets as well.
Jennings Heights Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project:
Due to the wet weather, the start date for the Jennings Heights Maintenance & Rehab Project has been pushed back a couple of weeks. A pre-construction meeting with the Contractor is scheduled for April 17th. After the pre-construction meeting Staff will have a confirmed start date and construction schedule.
Water Line Repairs:
City Staff has located two (2) water service line leaks, one on Herbert Avenue and one on Fig Street. USA has been called and Staff has scheduled the repairs for this week.
Corning Tuesday Night Market:
The first Corning Tuesday Night Market was held on Tuesday April 4th and was well attended by Vendors, Food Trucks, and Community members. It was the biggest Tuesday Night Market to date! Hats off to all of the City Departments that contributed to the event and a big “thank you” to our event co-chairs, Corning Chamber of Commerce and Marie Brayman for their help with these events. Corning Recreation’s CDK (Corning Dance Kids) performed for the first time and did a great job.
The next Market will be on Tuesday May 2nd and will be celebrating Mother’s Day and Cinco De Mayo.
Spring Recreation Classes:
Spring Recreation classes begin next week. This Spring the Recreation Program will be offering the most classes it has ever offered. If you have not registered for a class yet, log on to to see what classes are still available before it’s too late.
Jr. Giants Baseball & Softball Program:
The City has teamed up with the San Francisco Giants to offer a Jr. Giants Baseball and Softball Program that is FREE to all kids. This Program’s Season will begin in June so get those registrations in soon.
Annual Housing Reports:
Planner II Chrissy Meads has completed and sent the Annual housing reports to OPR (Office of Planning and Research) and HCD (Housing and Community Development). The reports will be on the next Council agenda for adoption.
In addition to responding to 126 calls for service, a total of 20 officer reports were taken and there were 92 officer-initiated incidents, including 17 traffic stops. Officers made 3 misdemeanor arrests and 1 felony arrest. Officers issued 4 citations, of which; 2 were misdemeanors, 1 was an infraction, and 1 was parking during the period of March 30, 2023, through April 5, 2023.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Trust me my friend. I see you. You’re doing what others are afraid to do. Don’t quit. I believe in you.”
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 17 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 11 medicals, 1 investigation, 1 hazardous condition, and 4 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 19 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 18 medicals and1 investigation.
Chief’s Message:
Thank you to all the residents who keep their properties clean and void of debris. Keep Corning clean!!!