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Friday Notes April 15, 2022

Posted on April 15, 2022



DATE:   April 15, 2022



FY 2022/23 Budget and Capital Improvement Program:

Staff budget proposals for fiscal year 2022/2023 are due April 15th.  I will be meeting with the Departments to discuss their budget proposals beginning the week of April 18th.  The budget is in the initial stages of development.


Sacramento Regional City Managers Meeting:

I attended the Sacramento Division City Managers meeting on April 14th where amongst other items discussed we toured the pallet shelters in Chico and discussed legal options available to cities experiencing significant issues with homeless populations.


I attended the Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) meeting on April 14th.


On April 20th there will be a Proposition 47 Cohort 2 Quarterly Advisory meeting.  Tehama County Department of Education has agreed to lead the Cohort 3 Grant.



Community Event:

The Jayden Jamboree Egg Hunt will take place this Saturday April 16, 2022 at the Corning Community Park from 11:00am to 1:00pm.  There will be no road closures for this event but due to anticipated attendance be aware of traffic congestion and pedestrians not only on Toomes Avenue and Houghton Avenue, but the surrounding side streets as well.


Fire Season Preparation:

Public Works Staff will be starting to mow and place fire breaks on City property to prepare for this upcoming fire season.  This work will take a couple of weeks to complete.




Burger King Remodel:

Burger King will be submitting plans for a significant remodel of their current building in Corning.



Clark Park Holistic Playground:

Jan Reale from Holistic Playgrounds has delivered our map of what the Painted Playground at Clark Park will look like.  If you would like to see it, it can be seen at City Hall; we are very excited about it. Christina Meeds will be getting a definitive time frame for the playground equipment install so we can start planning and preparing for the big paint party. 😊


Recreation Classes:

Spring Recreation classes will begin next week, the registration has really picked up in the last week and most classes are full or close to being full.


May 3rd Tuesday Night Market:

Christina Meeds is working closely with Christina at the Chamber of Commerce to prepare for our 2nd Tuesday Night Market scheduled for May 3rd from 5-8 PM.




In addition to responding to 125 calls for service, a total of 24 officer reports were taken and there were 61 officer-initiated incidents, including 26 traffic stops.  Officers made 15 misdemeanor and 2 felony arrests.  Officers issued 16 citations, of which; 14 were misdemeanors, and 2 were infractions during the period of April 7, 2022, through April 13, 2022.



Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


“Strive for perfection…but settle for excellence.”



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 19 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  14 medicals, 3 mutual aid fires with CALFIRE, 1 fire, and 1 public service.


The Orland, Capay, Artois, Glenn Codora, and Ord Bend  Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Glenn Codora, and Ord Bend Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 30 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  6 medicals, 11 fires, 6 traffic collisions, 6 power line hazards, and 1 public service.


Chief’s Message:

Weeds are drying fast.  Please mow your properties.  Please test or buy new smoke alarms – they do save lives.

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