DATE: October 15, 2021
Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Relief Funds Round 1 (CDBG CV1):
Despite receiving numerous applications, none of the applicants qualified for the CDBG CV1 forgivable loan program. The County will be asking the City to reallocate its $77,451 to support the County Navigation Center (Shelter) in Red Bluff. Since the funds can only be used for assistance to businesses impacted by COVID-19, public services related to COVID-19 support, facility improvements related to COVID-19 healthcare and homeless housing needs, and acquisition of real property to be used as part of the COVID-19 response, I support the reallocation of the funds as the City does not have another eligible use. 3CORE is actively continuing to recruit for the forgivable loan program and will do so until December. At that time should they have no viable applicants, Staff will seek Council’s approval to reallocate the City’s CDBG-CV1 funding to the County Navigation Center (Shelter).
COVID-19 in Tehama County:
LHI ( is offering COVID-19 testing Monday through Friday at the Red Bluff Community Center due to high demand. Tehama County ranks as the third lowest County vaccinated. Vaccinations can be scheduled at More information about vaccinations and vaccine safety can be found at:
Proposition 47 Restore Program Lead Agency Meeting:
City staff met with County and School District representatives regarding who should be the lead agency for the Cohort 3 Proposition 47 grant application that supports the county-wide Restore Program. The City has been the lead agency for the last two grant cycles and is looking for a County Agency to be the lead. The Restore Program is a successful diversion program serving 12–26-year-olds that has reduced the recidivism rate from 25% to 5% for those participating in the program. We expect the application period to begin in early Spring 2022 for Cohort 3.
Prop 68 Grant Application:
The Prop 68 Round 4 Park Grant award announcement has been pushed back a bit and we may not receive word on whether either of the City’s applications were selected for award until November; please keep your fingers crossed!
CUHS Softball Tournament Fundraiser:
The Corning Union High School (CUHS) Cheerleaders will be holding a softball tournament fundraiser this Saturday, October 16th at Yost Park to raise funds to support the CUHS Cheerleaders that made All American go and perform in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in December.
Public Works Staff:
I would like to thank the Public Works Staff for the extra hours that they have worked the last couple of weeks due to multiple community events and the high winds. Your hard work is noticed and appreciated!
Crew Work Schedule:
The crew has switched back to winter hours (7am-3:30pm). The meter reader will remain on his regular schedule (8am-4:30pm).
Voluntary Water Conservation Program:
Although the weather is cooling off and fall is feeling more apparent, we still have not received measurable amounts of rain. Please continue to do your part in conserving water.
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 20 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 14 medicals, 1 fire, 4 public service, and 1 task force with CALFIRE.
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Butte City, and Glenn Codora Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Butte City, and Glenn Codora Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 17 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 6 medicals, 9 fires, and 2 traffic collisions.
Chief’s Note:
Please get your flues and chimneys cleaned and check your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.