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Friday Notes May 28, 2021

Posted on May 27, 2021



DATE:   May 28, 2021



Kristina Miller:  May 27th  through May 28th camping with family for Memorial Day.

Chrissy Meeds:  May 21st through June 1st.

Lisa Linnet:  June 14th – June 25th



New City Website:

Thanks to the hard work of Accounting Assistant Rubi Ordaz, Accounting Manager Mary Brimm, PD Administrative Services Manager Tom Watson, Manager, and Department Heads the new City website is now live at  The site allows visits to directly report issues such as, traffic signals not functioning properly, street light outages, fire hazards, graffiti, sewer/water leaks, code enforcement, etc.  Staff will continue adding more information to the website to provide better access and more convenient services to the public.

Please thank our veterans and take some time to honor the men and women who have served our nation this Memorial Day weekend.

Time Clock Policy:

The City Attorney met with Union representative Art Frolli about the new proposed Time Clock Policy.  City Administration would like to start-up the new time clock system on or around August 1st.

Proposition 47 Cohort 1 Restore Program Desk Review:

Accounting Manager Mary Brimm and I will be meeting with representatives of the Board of State and Community Corrections for a desk review of the Cohort 1 Proposition 47 Restore Program on June 3rd.

Friends of the Library:

Mayor Snow and I met with the Friends of the Library on May 26th.

Groundwater Commission Meeting:

I attended a Groundwater Commission meeting on May 26th and will attend the Corning Subbasin Advisory meeting on June 2nd.  I strongly suggest those that are concerned about groundwater levels attend the meetings.  Meeting information can be found by visiting: and selecting Groundwater Sustainability Groundwater Commission from the drop-down menu.  Corning sub-basin meeting and plan information can be found by visiting:



Part-Time Public Works Landscape and Maintenance Worker:

The Application submittal deadline has been extended thru June 11, 2021 for the part-time landscape and maintenance worker position.  Applications can be found on the City website.

Crew Work Schedule:

The crew will switch to summer hours (6am-2:30pm) Tuesday, June 1, 2021.  The meter reader will remain on his regular schedule (8am-4:30pm).


The air conditioner motor has gone out at the Library.  Parts have been ordered and repairs are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, June 2, 2021.  The Library will be without AC during this time. The County Librarian has been notified and may adjust the schedule depending on the weather.

Street Tree Pruning – Southwest Quadrant:

West Coast Arborists will complete the street tree pruning within the southwest quadrant of the City by Friday May 28th.

Multi-Street Improvement Project:

VSS has completed the concrete gutter installation and rubberized chip seal on Colusa Street.  They will be back on Tuesday June 1st to start the two coats of fiberized micro-surfacing on all streets.  This work shall be completed by the end of next week.




In addition to responding to 164 calls for service, a total of 31 officer reports were taken and there were 79 officer-initiated incidents, including 29 traffic stops.  Officers made 17 misdemeanor and 0 felony arrests.  Officers issued 21 citations, of which; 14 were misdemeanors, 4 were infractions, 1 was unclassified, and 2 were parking during the period of May 19, 2021 through May 26, 2021.


Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch Personnel.

“Throw kindness around like confetti.”



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 15 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  8 medicals, 3 fires, including 1 mutual aid with CALFIRE, 1 traffic collision and 2 public service.

The Orland, Capay, Artois, and Bayliss Fire Department Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, and Bayliss Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 14 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  5 medicals, 6 fires, 2 traffic collisions, and 1 public service.


Training for the Corning Volunteer Fire Department consisted of information donning full turnout gear and SCBA’s and going through all the prompts and using the thermal imaging camera.

Chief’s Message:

Remember, Memorial Day is a day to pay respect to all of our fallen veterans.

“The person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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