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Friday Notes June 18, 2021

Posted on June 16, 2021



DATE:   June 18, 2021



Lisa Linnet:  June 14th – June 25th



COVID-19 Update

Beginning on June 15th, vaccinated Californians were able to go mask-free in most settings, except in the workplace. Cal OSHA is anticipated to update their regulations on June 17th to be closer in alignment with California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control. Governor Newsom has stated that if Cal OSHA adopts the proposed revised regulations, he will immediately enact them. The revised regulations currently require unvaccinated workers to mask indoors when outside individual offices and for employers to ensure they mask.

Revisions to the utility payment assistance grant application (CDBG CV2 and 3) were submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development. The City did not receive any responses to its RFP for a CDBG 2 and 3 Grant Administrator. Staff are currently evaluating options.


Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Proposed Budget:

The Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Proposed Budget was presented to the City Council as an informational item on June 8, 2021.  The City Council provided a few requests for changes to the budget including, 1) an inclusive ADA playground, 2) paving of the parking lot at Clark Park, and 3) set aside the dollars to reconstruct the tennis courts at Northside and Clark Park but come back to Council to make a final decision whether to reconstruct or place alternative equipment in these areas. The Budget resolution will be presented for Council consideration on June 22, 2021.




In addition to responding to 272 calls for service, a total of 26 officer reports were taken and there were 199 officer-initiated incidents, including 18 traffic stops.  Officers made 11 misdemeanor arrests.  Officers issued 23 citations, of which; 10 were misdemeanors, 2 were infractions, and 9 were parking during the period of June 9, 2021 through June 16, 2021.



The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 21 calls for service last week, they were; 16 medicals, 3 fires including 1 mutual aid with CALFIRE, and 2 public service.

Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City were dispatched to 14 calls for service last week, they were; 7 medicals, 3 fires, 3 traffic collisions and 1 public service.

It’s warming up, stay hydrated!!


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