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Friday Notes June 11, 2021

Posted on June 10, 2021



DATE:   June 11, 2021



Tom Tomlinson:  June 11th – 14th.

Robin Kampmann:  June 9th – 14th (she will be back on the 16th).

Lisa Linnet:  June 14th – June 25th



Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Proposed Budget:

The Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Proposed Budget was presented to the City Council as an informational item on June 8, 2021.  The City Council provided a few requests for changes to the budget including, 1) an inclusive ADA playground, 2) paving of the parking lot at Clark Park, and 3) set aside the dollars to reconstruct the tennis courts at Northside and Clark Park but come back to Council to make a final decision whether to reconstruct or place alternative equipment in these areas.

The City expects to reach its goal of 6 months of operating expenditures in reserves on June 30, 2022.  This is a huge feat as our fund balance is projected to be $3,745,083 (6.1 months of budgeted operating expenditures).

Rising pension debt, otherwise known as the unfunded accrued liability (UAL), continues to be a concern for jurisdictions statewide.  In fiscal year 2021/2022 the City’s annual payment for its unfunded pension debt is $568,700.  This amounts to an $84,774 increase from the prior year.  Despite the increase in payment, the City of Corning’s UAL increased by $423,866 for the most recent valuation period.  Clearly, something needs to be done.  Staff will bring forward options to pay down this debt for the City Council to consider in the next year.


Meeting with Promise Neighborhood Grant:

I met with the Promise Neighborhood Grant Director, Dawna Holiday-Shchedrov, Ph.D. on June 9th.  It turns out there may indeed be a possibility to receive an extension for recreation program funding in calendar year 2022, but no guarantees.  Since this is a change from what I spoke about during the Council meeting, I thought I would provide an update.  Please stay tuned.


Meeting with The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board):

I met with representatives of the Water Board on June 9th to discuss remaining Phase II and Phase III work related to the publicly funded investigation of perchloroethylene (PCE) contamination along Solano Street in Corning.  Phase III of the investigation in the amount of $850,000 is now funded.  We can expect soil gas and indoor air sampling of twelve residences, funds to mitigate risk for up to six homes, and funds to ensure there is no exposure at West Street School.  Evidence currently shows there is no contamination at the school.  The follow up investigation would confirm this.

The City will need to apply for funds from the State Water Resources Cleanup fund to cover the cost of additional work beyond Phase III.  There are two phases (initial and full) to the application.  If we are successful in the first initial round, the City will need to hire a consultant to complete the full application.  The City will not likely be reimbursed for the consultant’s cost to complete the application.



Part-Time Public Works Landscape and Maintenance Worker:

The Application submittal deadline has been extended thru until filled for the part-time landscape and maintenance worker position.  Applications can be found on the City’s website.



The repairs to the air conditioner at the City Library were completed on Wednesday and it is now operational.  The County Librarian has modified so that they can resume normal hours.


Multi-Street Improvement Project:

VSS has completed the surfacing portion of the project.  Striping will be completed by the sub-consultant the week of June 14th – 18th with no significant road closures.



The inside of the bowls at the skate park were tagged with graffiti; Staff has cleaned up the graffiti.


Water Main Work:

Staff has been working on the water main at the corner of Solano Street and El Paso Avenue, installing a valve to isolate the fire hydrant and ultimately installing a replacement fire hydrant at that location.




Code Enforcement:

A Code Enforcement Hearing was held on Tuesday June 8th for the 3 commercial properties along Solano St. 1317, 1318 & 1320.  All properties were determined to be in violation of the new nuisance ordinance.  All properties will be given until July 15th to abate their properties, if they do not comply the City will move forward with abatement.



Recreation Programs:

Summer Recreation is open for registration.  We have a few new programs being offered this summer.  Danial Mahutga will be running an 8-week sport camp where the kids will do a different sport each week.  We also have an 8-week Fitness camp that Jesenia will be running.


New Dance Programs Instructor:

Emma Carter is our new dance instructor; she will be taking over the Princess Ballet, Ballet, Gymnastic, Dancenastics, Jr. Hip Hop and the older girls dance class for the summer.  Marissa Hopkins has been given an excellent job opportunity in Chico and is leaving Corning Recreation.  We wish her the best.




In addition to responding to 192 calls for service, a total of 36 officer reports were taken and there were 110 officer-initiated incidents, including 51 traffic stops.  Officers made 20 misdemeanor and 6 felony arrests.  Officers issued 33 citations, of which; 23 were misdemeanors, 3 were infractions, and 7 were parking during the period of June 2, 2021 through June 9, 2021.


Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch Personnel.


“Today only happens once…make it amazing.”



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 23 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  14 medicals, 4 fires, 2 mutual aid fires, 2 public service, and 1 false alarm.


The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend, and Butte City Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend, and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 27 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  7 medicals, 10 fires, 8 traffic collisions, and 2 public service.


Chief’s Message:

A burn ban is now in effect.  Please do your best to conserve water.


“I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Thomas Jefferson

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