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Friday Notes for March 31, 2023

Posted on March 30, 2023



DATE:   MARCH 31, 2023



  • April 7th 10thPublic Works Consultant/City Engineer will be on vacation.



Downtown Corning Awning Grant Program:

The City Council awarded the contract to North State Painting in the amount of $223,500 to install awnings at 13 locations in downtown Corning.  3CORE is in the process of receiving signed Grant Agreements from the grantees.  The Awning Grant Program is being funded with American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Waste Management Rate Increase Request:

The City Council approved a 10.89% rate increase request, which for residential customers with a 96-gallon cart amounts to $2.79 per month.  Should residents have excess capacity, they may choose to downsize their current 96-gallon cart to a 64-gallon cart at $26.14 per month for a monthly savings of $2.25.  Senior Rates will increase by $1.39 to $14.19 per month.

Public Safety Unit Labor Negotiations:

Mediation is scheduled for April 6th.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 30th: As President of the Sacramento Division of City Managers, I will be attending the statewide City Managers Division Executive Committee.
  • March 31st: I will be attending the Sacramento Division Membership Meeting.



Community Event/Street Impact:

Corning Tuesday Night Market:

  • The first of 5 Corning Tuesday Night markets will be occurring on Tuesday April 4, 2023 starting at 5:00pm and going until 8:00pm. Solano Street will be closed between 3rd Street and 6th Street for the event.  Solano Street closure will begin approximately 4:00pm to prepare for the event and will re-open once the event has finished.



Corning Tuesday Night Market Dates:

The Corning Tuesday Night Market dates have been set and are as follows:

  • April 4, May 2, June 6, September 5, and October 2nd from 5:00pm to 8pm.

Events will take place on Solano Street between 4th street and 6th street and  will feature, Food Trucks, Live Music, a Beer and Wine Garden, Vendors, a Kids Zone and more.

April 4th Corning Tuesday Night Market:

We have a couple fun exciting things planned, for the upcoming Tuesday Night Market on April 4th.  We have a special appearance by the one and only Easter Bunny; a 4-H petting zoo; Ace Hardware will be participating in our event and have vegetable starts and flowers onsite from their store located on South Avenue; and Corning Recreations newest Dance Krew, CDK will be performing their newest routine, plus much, much more.  We hope that the weather will be conducive.




In addition to responding to 117 calls for service, a total of 25 officer reports were taken and there were 78 officer-initiated incidents, including 23 traffic stops.  Officers made 6 misdemeanor arrests and 6 felony arrests.  Officers issued 13 citations, of which; 5 were misdemeanors, 3 were infractions, and 5 were parking during the period of March 23, 2023, through March 29, 2023.


Sergeant Portillo attended a Sexual Assault Investigation training.  Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.

“Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.”  John D. Rockefeller



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 14 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  12 medicals, 1 fire, and 1 public service.

The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 12 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  8 medicals, 1 traffic collision, 1 fire, 1 investigation, and 1 agency assist.

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