Request for Proposals for Water and Sewer:
The City Council will be asked to consider issuing the Water and Sewer Extension Development Reimbursement Agreement Requests for Proposals at the February 28th City Council meeting.
Request for Proposals for Awning Grant Program:
The City Council will be asked to consider issuing a Requests for Proposals for awnings to be replaced at downtown Corning businesses at the February 14th City Council meeting.
Annual Financial Statements:
The City’s annual financial statements are being finalized and will be presented at an upcoming City Council meeting.
Mid-Year Budget Review:
I hope to present the Mid-Year Budget Review to the City Council on February 28th.
Proposition 47 Restore Program Grant Extension:
The City received a one-year extension of its Cohort 2 Proposition 47 Grant that funds case coordination, therapy, substance use treatment, housing assistance, workforce development, and paid work experience for clients ages 12-30 who meet the grant guidelines. A contract amendment is being drafted that allows a budget modification for each Contractor.
Corning Union High School District Strategic Planning Session:
I attended a Strategic Planning session on February 9th.
Upcoming Meetings:
I will be attending the Sacramento Valley Division Cal Cities’ meeting on February 13th.
I will also be attending a Northern California Cities’ Self Insurance Fund Claims Committee and California Product Stewardship Council Board meeting on February 16th.
Electronic Monument Sign:
The Contractor is scheduled be onsite to remove the existing sign and start the installation of the new electronic monument sign on Tuesday February 14th.
Jennings Heights Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project:
Staff will be opening bids for the Jennings Heights Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project on Monday February 13th.
Art Boxes:
Another Art Box has been completed, specifically the cardinal at the intersection of Solano Street and Marguerite Avenue. Thank you to Caidee Johnson for completing this project, she will be working on one of the trash cans at the soccer field next.
Jr. Giants Program:
Jesenia has been attending many zoom meetings for the Jr. Giants League that Corning Recreation will be running this summer. These meetings are to teach her about the Program and how it runs. We are very excited to bring this Program to the youth of our community.
Corning Tuesday Night Market:
The first planning meeting was held to discuss the Corning Tuesday Night Markets. We have set the dates; the first Market will be on April 4th. We will be announcing the details on social media soon.
Youth Basketball:
We have ended our Youth Basketball registration with 110 youth participating in the Program, which is amazing, they play every Saturday and seem to be having so much fun. Big “Thank You’ s” go out to so many people that help make this Program run….all of the coaches, the referee’s, the parents and so many more, we couldn’t do it without you.
Woodson Bridge Estates Recreation Programs:
Recreation Coordinator Christina Meeds is working with the Manager of Woodson Bridge Estates to possibly offer some classes in their meeting room for the residents of the Park.
Mobile Vendor Letters:
Planning will be working on Mobile Vendor letters as we had about half of our mobile vendors comply with their deadline.
Annual Planning Reports:
Planning is also working on the yearly reports that need to be submitted to California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Office of Planning and Research (OPR) that are due on April 1st.
In addition to responding to 118 calls for service, a total of 14 officer reports were taken and there were 81 officer-initiated incidents, including 42 traffic stops. Officers made 5 misdemeanor arrests and 2 felony arrests. Officers issued 18 citations, of which; 6 were misdemeanors, 10 were infractions, and 2 were parking during the period of February 2, 2023, through February 8, 2023.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” H.S.G.
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 17 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 11 medicals, 2 fires, 1 traffic collision, 1 hazardous condition, and 2 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 14 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 8 medicals, 1 fire, and 5 traffic collisions.
Chief’s Message:
Grass is growing, please keep your properties clean and mowed down.